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DISCOVER All the “Secrets” to Authentically Build
a Profitable Business the Right Way


Learn the exact strategies you’ve been missing all along so you can supercharge your business.

DISCOVER All the “Secrets” to Authentically Build
a Profitable Business the Right Way


Learn the exact strategies you’ve been missing all along so you can supercharge your business.

Get your $27 ticket now to get your event swag! 🎁
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What you'll learn at Top Producer Roadmap

🌼What's working on social... RIGHT NOW

Facebook... Instagram... Pinterest... TikTok... it can get confusing... especially since it. changes. all. the. dang. time. Learn exactly what you need to know right now to elegantly attract the right people to your business... without cold messaging strangers or feeling like a salesy weirdo.

🌼RECRUITING. Teaching This Skill Is Our Jam. #youwin

You will discover a step-by-step process how you can start hitting the leaderboards in your company. If you have ever struggled to recruit people, you will love this. If you are looking for a system to teach your team... #youwintoo

🌼Duplication and Automation Systems That You Can Use NOW to Save Time, and Grow Faster

If you want to have a team big enough to allow you to travel the world or live life on your own terms, then leadership is a vital part of the process. We'll teach you the skills you need to be a leader... and still stay true to who you are.

🌼Ready to Become Unstoppable?

If you struggle with consistency, are surrounded by negativity, keep doubting what you are doing, feel overwhelmed, or frustrated with where you are at right now, then don't worry. We have you covered. #win

🌼How to Reach the Top of ANY Company

When you get so much content and value you will be buzzing to get going. Especially when you are in an environment like this. It will be high energy, fun and highly engaging. However, most will lack a plan, so we will be creating one together. Something you can follow daily, knowing you are on the right track.
If you are just plain CONFUSED about the exact
step-by-step ways to build your business.



A Live, Online Event Where You’ll Learn How to 10x Your
Business Growth in HALF the Time

By using tried-and-true marketing principles that actually work
—no matter what you’re selling.
Now, I want to be crystal clear: These are not your grandma’s marketing strategies!

We’re not teaching you the stuff that only worked back in 2008, when social was way different, or old-school, "3-foot rule" sales tactics that don’t translate online.

Top Producer Roadmap will teach you super-simple and super-effective proven marketing strategies (yep, proven!) to work.

Wanna know how I know?

Because I hit the top of 6 companies by using them myself!

And helped tens of thousands of others along the way.

What Won't Happen When You Attend Top Producer Roadmap

I don’t know how many times I attended a pricey workshop, or my company convention... got all excited and inspired, and took pages of notes...

Then got home, put the notes in my drawer, and never looked at them ever again.

(And, of course, never saw any results in my business)

But we don’t do that here!

At the end of the 3 days, you’ll leave with a real game plan to get more customer sales, skyrocket through the ranks, grow your business and expand your team over the next 90 days so you can keep on keepin’ on, girl!

That means you’ll be crystal clear on your next steps to start seeing results for your business ASAP!


Consider this the Light at the end of your Struggle Tunnel

Here are just SOME of the wins you'll get at The Top Producer Roadmap
So you can leave with everything you need to start getting results right now in your biz.
Easily attract the right people who are actively on the lookout for you!
Listen, not everyone is your ideal client.
Now’s the time to finally learn the right strategies so you can easily attract the right people who are...
Actively on the lookout for you
Over-the-moon excited about your offer
And are dead serious about locking arms and building the business.
Learn how to 10x your business growth in just half the time.
The strategies inside Top Producer Roadmap will show you how to 10x your business growth in just half the time using social media.
That means no more cold messaging strangers and posting on Facebook every hour of every day to crickets.
Plus, imagine what you could do with all that extra free time now that you’re no longer glued to your phone—like spend more of it with the people you love most in the world.
Finally make those #sleepsales everyone is talking about.
Want to get the real truth about how the top earners in the industry are making those #sleepsales?
During our 3 days together, we’ll cover how to get your business on autopilot using automated systems that are easy to set up and totally scalable for unlimited business growth.
You know what they say—sky’s the limit!
Rank up and walk that stage at your next company event.
We’ve all gone to company events and watched the top earners walk across the stage.
We were filled with admiration and promised ourselves that one day, we’d be up there right next to ‘em.
Ready to turn that big goal into an even bigger reality?
When you build up the confidence and the leadership skills, you’ll also be one step closer to climbing up on that stage and standing in the winner’s circle with the confidence of a total champ.
Easily attract the right people who are actively on the lookout for you!
Listen, not everyone is your ideal client.
Now’s the time to finally learn the right strategies so you can easily attract the right people who are...
Actively on the lookout for you
Over-the-moon excited about your offer
And are dead serious about locking arms and building the business.
Learn how to 10x your business growth in just half the time.
The strategies inside Top Producer Roadmap will show you how to 10x your business growth in just half the time using social media.
That means no more cold messaging strangers and posting on Facebook every hour of every day to crickets.
Plus, imagine what you could do with all that extra free time now that you’re no longer glued to your phone—like spend more of it with the people you love most in the world.
Finally make those #sleepsales everyone is talking about.
Want to get the real truth about how the top earners in the industry are making those #sleepsales?
During our 3 days together, we’ll cover how to get your business on autopilot using automated systems that are easy to set up and totally scalable for unlimited business growth.
You know what they say—sky’s the limit!
Rank up and walk that stage at your next company event.
We’ve all gone to company events and watched the top earners walk across the stage.
We were filled with admiration and promised ourselves that one day, we’d be up there right next to ‘em.
Ready to turn that big goal into an even bigger reality?
When you build up the confidence and the leadership skills, you’ll also be one step closer to climbing up on that stage and standing in the winner’s circle with the confidence of a total champ.
...written in the 3rd person – because that way, it doesn’t sound conceited at all. 😉
Karla has reached the top ranks of 6 network marketing companies, all without pitching her friends and family, going to meetings, parties, cold messaging people on social, or any of that hoo-ha.

She’s written two best-selling books (one with Brian Tracy).

Owned her own network marketing company. (She hated that.)

Been voted into the Top 50 Internet Marketers in the Direct Sales industry

Karla has created some of the most popular digital courses in the network marketing industry, including Top Producer Academy™, Rank Up Recruiting Crash Course and others, PLUS she runs a high-level coaching program, “Top Producer Mastermind™.”

Karla also holds some of the industry’s most attended online livestreams, Top Producer Roadmap™.

When she not taking care of her clients and students, Karla likes traveling, eating in great restaurants, or spending time with her ever-tolerant husband. She speaks English fluently (her first language), and knows how to make reservations and order food in more than 5 other languages.

Karla lives in Palm Springs, California, and sometimes, in August, when it’s 120 bajillion degrees… wonders why.



Everything we teach at Top Producer Roadmap is everything that’s working right now in today’s market so you can start getting results ASAP.

(Seriously, this is the stuff successful businesses are made of!)
This is HUGE! As soon as we open the doors, book your time with your personal coach and...

1) Get advice on how to grow your biz
2) Find out how to get the most from the event based on your needs, PLUS
3) Have someone to go to for questions.
ALL our programs come with all the workbooks, cheat sheets, checklists that you need to take what we teach you right into your business.

We don't skimp on the backup, like other events you might have attended.
Find out how other leaders are building, create new connections and friendships.

It's ALMOST like being at an event IRL!


DAY ONE - August 3

10 - 4

DAY TWO - August 4

10 - 4 

DAY THREE - August 5

10 - 4
All times US PST


Anytime, during the three days of the event, if you feel, for ANY REASON, that you are not getting value, send us an email at support@karlasilver.com.

We'll refund you all your money & you get to keep the handouts, workbooks and checklists!

We are that certain that you are going to LOVE Top Producer Roadmap.

Get Your Ticket NOW

You are seconds away from taking that next big leap into your future

  • Don't Wait - Save Your Seat NOW:
  • First come, first served... 1:1 PERSONAL COACHING
  • Swag bag mailed to your door!
  • ​Oh, yeah... you know that there will be other surprises!

Today's Price = $27

TOTAL VALUE = ($1497)

Here's what our attendees said:



Don't wait... swag box is in limited supply!

We're Waiting For You!

Top Producer Roadmap August 3, 4 and 5, 2021

Our live events typically cost between $197 - $997.

But, with all that's going on in the world, we know we need to make this information available to as many people as we can.

Invest in yourself and manifest that income you deserve.

TOTAL VALUE = ($2500)

Today's Price = $27


What's the catch? Why is this so inexpensive?
There's always a catch, right? Here’s the catch…You must promise to play FULL OUT for the three days of the event.

* Clear your calendar.
* Show up on time.
* Do the homework.
* Support your fellow attendees.

And as far as the “inexpensive” part… here’s the deal… I’m PASSIONATE about helping as many people as I possibly can not just survive, but THRIVE during these crazy times.

I know what it’s like to want to succeed so badly that I’ll dumpster dive for vegetables.

So how about we skip the dumpster diving thing and go straight to successfully building your biz online.

What if I can't make ALL of the sessions?
This is a LIVE event and you should treat it the same way you would if you bought a plane ticket and a hotel room. Show up well-rested and ready to learn! #thisistherealdeal

With that said, we realize that life happens and sometimes stuff gets in the way. You can also purchase the recordings to listen to forever and ever if you want. Recordings will be sent out approximately 21 days after the event.

What's the catch? Why is this so inexpensive?
There's always a catch, right? Here’s the catch…You must promise to play FULL OUT for the three days of the event. 
* Clear your calendar.
* Show up on time.
* Do the homework.
* Support your fellow attendees.

And as far as the “inexpensive” part… here’s the deal… I’m PASSIONATE about helping as many people as I possibly can, not just survive, but THRIVE!

I know what it’s like to want to succeed so badly that I’ll dumpster dive for vegetables.

So how about we skip the dumpster diving thing and go straight to successfully building your biz online.

What if I can't make ALL of the sessions?
This is a LIVE event and you should treat it the same way you would if you bought a plane ticket and a hotel room. Show up well-rested and ready to learn!


With that said, we realize that life happens and sometimes stuff gets in the way. You can also purchase the recordings to listen to forever and ever if you want. 

Recordings will be sent out approximately 21 days after the event.

Will I "leave" the event with a plan to implement what I learned? 
GREAT QUESTION! I can’t tell you how many events I’ve been to where I learned a TON, but had no idea what to do when I got back. My notes went into my desk drawer, never to be seen again….

At Top Producer Roadmap, we’ll spend some time on the last day mapping out your next steps so that you leave with a clear plan.
I'm nervous about the tech. Will there be someone to help me? 
Goodness gracious my friend! If you can join a Facebook group, show up on time, support your colleagues… you’re good as gold (or DIAMOND)!
Will I "leave" the event with a plan to implement what I learned? 
GREAT QUESTION! I can’t tell you how many events I’ve been to where I learned a TON, but had no idea what to do when I got back. My notes went into my desk drawer, never to be seen again….

At Top Producer Roadmap, we’ll spend some time on the last day mapping out your next steps so that you leave with a clear plan.
I'm nervous about the tech. Will there be someone to help me? 
Goodness gracious my friend! If you can join a Facebook group, show up on time, support your colleagues… you’re good as gold (or DIAMOND)!
Karla Silver | support@karlasilver.com | 611 S Palm Canyon Drive, #7091 Palm Springs, CA 92264